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Adding tables to a running remote task

When distributing to multiple targets, it is possible to replicate a different subset of tables to each target if necessary. Before starting the task, you can select which tables to replicate using the standard procedure described in Selecting tables and/or views for replication. However, if the task is already running, you need to perform the following procedure:

  1. Stop the remote task.
  2. Add the desired tables (as described in Selecting tables and/or views for replication).
  3. Resume the remote task. The newly added tables will be marked as “Queued”.
  4. Reload the newly added tables in the local task (by selecting the tables and clicking the Reload icon in Monitor view).

For information on removing specific tables from a replication task, see Removing specific tables/views from a replication task.

Information note

Adding tables to the remote task is not supported in Apply Changes (CDC-only) replication tasks. For more information on the available replication options, see Adding tasks.

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